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In our investment market updates hub, you can find our latest views on global financial markets.

With the combined expertise of over 80 investment personnel supporting them, specialists from our Chief Investment Office provide thorough and insightful commentary on financial market news, from the global economy to local market movements.

Through our market update webinars, quarterly outlook commentary and specialist topical insights, our experts outline current financial trends and the potential implications for investors. You can read our latest thoughts in our Investment Outlook December 2024.

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Our Co-Chief Investment Officers bring complementary specialisms to their roles. 


Thomas Becket

Thomas Becket

Co-Chief Investment Officer

Thomas, who joined us when CGWM acquired Punter Southall Wealth, brings a new energy to the role alongside expertise in fixed income and alternatives, with a focus on model portfolios.

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Richard Champion

Richard Champion

Co-Chief Investment Officer

Richard has a breadth of investment experience, specifically in equities, alongside a thorough understanding of tailored  portfolios.

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Our latest Investment Outlook


Latest Investment Outlook

Read our latest investment outlook,  where we evaluate the economic and geo-political landscape of 2024 while looking ahead to investment opportunities in 2025.

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Read our other recent insights

UK equities: the silver lining to an otherwise gloomy outlook?
13 December 2023 in Investing, Latest market updates

Find out why Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management believe there is currently an opportunity to buy small and mid cap (SMID) UK equities at attractive prices.

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Balancing the risk and rewards of investing
21 November 2023 in Investing, Latest market updates

In this article discover the importance of balancing the risk and rewards of investing when managing clients’ portfolios.

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Webinar: how recent market uncertainty and the current economic outlook can offer attractive investment opportunities

Watch Richard Champion and Thomas Becket, from our Chief Investment Office, as they evaluate the prospects for clients in an era where interest rates have risen and returns on cash and cash-like investments have improved.

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Webinar: how could banking sector concerns and UK pension changes affect you?

Experts from both our Chief Investment Office and our Wealth Planning team came together to discuss their thoughts on the rapidly changing global economy – and the potential impact on you as an investor.

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Webinar: what lies ahead - transatlantic views on a world of investment opportunities

Watch our webinar: Thomas Becket in conversation with Tony Dwyer, sharing their views on transatlantic investment opportunities

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How to make sure you are investing in a UK/US tax-compliant investment service
17 March 2021 in Investing, Latest market updates

Due to the demand for US tax-compliant portfolio management for investors with more than £100,000 to invest, we have introduced our new model US Investor Portfolio service this year. Read more here.

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Investment involves risk and you may not get back what you invest. It’s not suitable for everyone.

Investment involves risk and is not suitable for everyone.