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Wealth news and insights

Our news and insights hub covers a variety of key topics from the investment world such as retirement and pension planning, wealth and tax planning, ESG investing, investment market updates and the latest global economy and market news. You can sign up for our latest wealth management news if you would like to receive regular financial insights from our experts. 

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Navigating the UK Budget: your wealth planning priorities and next steps

The UK budget brings significant changes. Review our priorities for next steps and consult a professional to adapt your wealth strategy effectively.

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Transferring wealth to the next generation – what to consider

How do you want your children or favourite cause to benefit from your wealth? How can you ensure your wishes will be fulfilled? Even if you have plans in place, are your heirs prepared? Here we explore how you can make sure your money is transferred to the next generation as you would wish.

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US election webinar: Will the results cause global fireworks?

As the US election approaches, our experts analyse potential market impacts of a Trump vs. Harris outcome, covering key issues like economic growth, global volatility, and market performance under each candidate.

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Autumn webinar: Steering a steady course through a spooky quarter

Our Autumn market update webinar discussed positive investment returns amid geopolitical challenges, the upcoming US election's impact, and strategies for investing in quality companies for achieving long-term growth for clients.

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US election: ‘Two bowls of poison’ or a formula for progress?
7 October 2024 in Latest market updates, Investing

Multi-asset strategist, Tom Hibbert explores how the US election outcome could impact financial markets, trade, inflation, and economic growth, influencing financial markets.

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Keep on track with your retirement goals: five key tips

Know your retirement goals, but not sure if you’re on track? Check out these expert tips to help you maximise your dream retirement.

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Wealth management updates

Canaccord Genuity Group

We're part of Canaccord Genuity Group Inc., a publicly traded company under the symbol CF on the Toronto Stock Exchange. Established in 1950, it is now a leading global financial services firm, operating in wealth management and capital markets.

The Group has offices in 10 countries, including wealth management offices in the UK, Channel Islands, Isle of Man, Canada and Australia. Canaccord Genuity; our international capital markets division, operates in Canada, the US, the UK, France, Ireland, Hong Kong, China, Australia and Dubai.

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Investment involves risk and you may not get back what you invest. It’s not suitable for everyone.

Investment involves risk and is not suitable for everyone.