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Advisory stockbroking service for your clients

If your clients like to take an active interest in the stock market and want to manage their own portfolio but need expert investment advice, our advisory stockbroking service could be right for them.

How does our advisory stockbroking service work?

With our advisory stockbroking service, we aim to build a lasting relationship with your clients in order to provide them with quality investment ideas based firmly on their personal objectives, attitude to risk and level of knowledge. Then, periodically, we will help them assess their investments to make sure they are still suitable.

We begin by carrying out a full suitability assessment. Armed with this important information, our stockbrokers can ensure the advice they give to your clients is appropriately tailored to their individual needs and circumstances. 

We also use a third-party risk analysis tool to add an extra layer of governance to our risk management framework. Our aim is to give your clients the peace of mind that comes with working with an experienced stockbroker, while allowing them to stay in control of their investments.

Your clients will also receive our bi-monthly publication, Intelligent Investing. It includes our views about what’s happening in the markets, and our analysis of suggested equity and investment trust stock picks. We offer thought-provoking, sometimes controversial, ideas that help us to stand out from the crowd.


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How will their stockbroker provide them with ideas?

Our advice is based on top-quality multi-asset research by our industry-leading teams. We use a committee-based approach to drive our investment process, with 14 specialist investment committees and 76 expert in-house researchers and analysts, providing insights into local and international markets.

They are aided by state-of-the-art systems and industry-leading tools including Quest®, Canaccord Genuity's proprietary equity valuation system.


How can your clients check their investments?

They will receive a clearly laid-out valuation report each quarter with a market commentary from our Chief Investment Officer, either by post or online, the choice is theirs.

They can also view their account online at any time, no matter where they are, through our easy-to-use Wealth Online portal and app, including their investments, statements and historical valuations.

Keeping you informed

Fixed income investing explained

In this article we explain what we mean by fixed interest (or fixed income) bonds, what they are, who they are for and how we invest in them.

Read more
State of UK equities: time to back British again?

With a new prime minister and government, the UK has been in the spotlight the past couple of months. How does it stack up from an investment perspective?

Read more
Winter webinar: When will 2025 begin to warm up?

In our latest webinar, Co-Chief Investment Officers Richard Champion and Tom Becket discuss the predictable nature of 2024 investment markets, while highlighting increased volatility and uncertainty in 2025.

Read more

All latest news

Learn more about our advisory stockbroking service

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Investment involves risk. The value of investments and the income from them can go down as well as up and you may not get back the amount originally invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Our portfolios are designed to work over a typical investment cycle of 7-10 years, so we recommend you stay invested for at least seven years.

The information provided is not to be treated as specific advice. It has no regard for the specific investment objectives, financial situation or needs of any specific person or entity.



Want to know more?Get in touch


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Investment involves risk and you may not get back what you invest. It’s not suitable for everyone.

Investment involves risk and is not suitable for everyone.