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Bespoke wealth management for high net worth individuals

If you’re a high earning professional, a business owner or have accumulated significant wealth, managing your assets in the best interests of your future and your family can be complicated and time consuming. A high income is usually accompanied by a good lifestyle, high expenses, and higher taxes. At Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management (CGWM) we specialise in providing personal wealth planning and investment management services tailored to the unique needs of our high net worth clients.

Our team of specialist wealth management experts will build a bespoke relationship with you, to help protect your financial future. At CGWM, we manage and administer over £34.8bn of assets (as of 30 September 2024) in the UK and Europe, yet we remain small enough for our experts to work closely with each other and with you, keeping you informed at all times. The result being a totally integrated personal wealth management service that is always working in your best interests, and on your terms.


Speak to one of our wealth management experts

To discuss your wealth management needs, book a complimentary, no-obligation consultation.

Get in touch


Expert guidance on every aspect of your financial affairs

As a leading wealth management firm, we have an in-depth understanding of the more complex financial challenges you face. We can give you expert, confidential guidance and support throughout your life, including:

  • Investment management including portfolio management and stockbroking services
  • Wealth planning advice: our wealth planning advice is independent. Your personal Wealth Planner is not tied to us or any other provider, so they will always give clear and transparent guidance on how to structure your finances and investments to meet your long-term goals
  • Planning for retirement: considering the amount you can pay into your pension in the light of legislation changes and the lifetime allowance, our experts can help you manage the move from saving, to withdrawing from your pension
  • Estate and inheritance tax planning: the right strategy for minimising the inheritance tax payable when you die, whilst giving you the control you want until then
  • Intergenerational wealth: identifying the most tax-efficient ways to pass on your wealth to your children or pay for education or a property purchase.
  • Financial planning for business owners: specialising in providing strategic and forward-thinking advice and practical plans on business continuity and business exit strategies, including tax mitigation, pension and retirement planning.


Download our brochure for full details of our private client services

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Book a free consultation with a Wealth Manager


Typically, we provide financial advice to clients with assets over £250,000 or investment management services to clients who have over £250,000 of investable assets. Please note, we do not offer a one-off share sale service below these amounts.

If you are interested in career opportunities at Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management, then please do not use this form to get in touch. Instead, please head over to our careers page to find out more.

By providing your email address and phone number you agree to be contacted to book a free consultation:

Click here to read our privacy policy.


What happens next?

1. Arranging an initial consultation

First you can expect to receive an email from our team within 48 hours to find a suitable time that works for you, to arrange a voice or video call for an initial consultation.

2. Your consultation 

During this consultation, a member of the team will discuss your situation with you to understand your requirements and answer any questions you might have about Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management and the services that we provide.

3. Referral to a Wealth Planner or Investment Manager

If you decide to progress with us, you will be referred to one of our Wealth Planners or Investment Managers to discuss your situation and requirements in more detail. They will then design a bespoke proposal detailing a unique investment portfolio that matches your individual requirements and attitude to risk, to meet you and your family’s needs.

4. Working with you long-term

With our wealth planning and investment management professionals, your wealth is in expert hands. Our mission is simple - to help you build your wealth with confidence. We will always keep you informed about your investment portfolio and performance and will continue to work with you to build our relationship on your terms. We can meet with you face-to-face, by phone or by email, whichever is more convenient for you. You can also access your account online at any time through our app. Our wealth management professionals are always readily available to speak with you.


Keeping you informed

Fixed income investing explained

In this article we explain what we mean by fixed interest (or fixed income) bonds, what they are, who they are for and how we invest in them.

Read more
State of UK equities: time to back British again?

With a new prime minister and government, the UK has been in the spotlight the past couple of months. How does it stack up from an investment perspective?

Read more

Wealth management updates

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Investment involves risk and you may not get back what you invest. It’s not suitable for everyone.

Investment involves risk and is not suitable for everyone.