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Your guide to wealth management

What is wealth management?

Wealth management combines financial planning and investment strategy to sustain and grow your wealth. Alongside investment management, it encompasses retirement planning, inheritance tax and estate planning, and more.

Wealth management enables you to protect and grow your family wealth in the most effective and tax-efficient way at every stage of your life, from getting married and funding education, to retirement planning and passing on wealth to the next generation.


Book your free wealth management review

If you have £250,000+ to invest (including ISAs and pensions) book a free, hour-long consultation with a personal wealth manager.

Rest assured; this is not a sales call. It’s your opportunity to get to know the expert who would be dedicated to helping you achieve your personal financial goals, without any obligation to go further.

Your review will cover five important areas:

  1. Your financial situation – your income, assets and outgoings
  2. Your current priorities such as school fees, retirement or buying property
  3. Your goals and aspirations both for you and your family
  4. How your current investments are performing against your goals and risk tolerance
  5. How wealth management could help you achieve your objectives
Request a consultation


What are the advantages of wealth management?

There are several advantages to effective wealth management including:

  • Many specialist services under one roof
  • Clarity on your financial goals and how to achieve them
  • A comprehensive financial plan tailored to your needs and attitude to risk
  • A diversified investment portfolio expertly managed in your best interests
  • Long term financial security for you and your family

Another advantage of our wealth management service is that the financial advice you’ll receive is independent (even of our own services) and impartial. You’ll also have a dedicated investment manager creating, managing and monitoring a bespoke investment solution for you.

Investment management

Our expert Investment Managers can run a personalised investment portfolio on your behalf or support you in making your own investment decisions.

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Personal wealth planning

Our independent Wealth Planners can help manage all aspects of your finances and investments and ensure they are structured, to meet your financial goals now and in later life.

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How our wealth management service works

Independent wealth planning 

Your independent Wealth Planner can advise you on all aspects of your finances and investments and ensure they are structured to meet your financial goals now and in later life. This financial advice is independent even of our own products and services.

Starting with a comprehensive, fee-based strategic review of your entire financial situation and using cash flow modelling if appropriate to do so, your Wealth Planner will identify any specific issues and recommend the changes needed to help you meet your long-term goals. 

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Discretionary portfolio management

Your own dedicated Investment Manager will build and run a personalised portfolio on your behalf, matched to your financial plans and the level of risk you’re comfortable with. With our discretionary service, you allow your Investment Manager to make adjustments to your portfolio without needing to ask your permission.

Your Investment Manager is supported by our rigorous and robust investment process, including the latest insights into local and international markets, enabling them to continually seek out suitable opportunities for you.

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Benefits of our wealth management service

  • Independent financial advice covering every aspect of your life and future plans
  • Direct relationship with your Investment Manager, building trust and ensuring accountability
  • Regular updates so you always know how your investments are doing
  • An investment portfolio created around you and managed in your best interests
  • Your wealth taken care of by our experts, saving you time and enabling you to invest with confidence
  • Suitable investment opportunities researched from around the world


Book a free consultation with a Wealth Manager


Typically, we provide financial advice to clients with assets over £250,000 or investment management services to clients who have over £250,000 of investable assets. Please note, we do not offer a one-off share sale service below these amounts.

If you are interested in career opportunities at Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management, then please do not use this form to get in touch. Instead, please head over to our careers page to find out more.

By providing your email address and phone number you agree to be contacted to book a free consultation:

Click here to read our privacy policy.


What happens next?

1. Arranging an initial consultation

First you can expect to receive an email from our team within 48 hours to find a suitable time that works for you, to arrange a voice or video call for an initial consultation.

2. Your consultation 

During this consultation, a member of the team will discuss your situation with you to understand your requirements and answer any questions you might have about Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management and the services that we provide.

3. Referral to a Wealth Planner or Investment Manager

If you decide to progress with us, you will be referred to one of our Wealth Planners or Investment Managers to discuss your situation and requirements in more detail. They will then design a bespoke proposal detailing a unique investment portfolio that matches your individual requirements and attitude to risk, to meet you and your family’s needs.

4. Working with you long-term

With our wealth planning and investment management professionals, your wealth is in expert hands. Our mission is simple - to help you build your wealth with confidence. We will always keep you informed about your investment portfolio and performance and will continue to work with you to build our relationship on your terms. We can meet with you face-to-face, by phone or by email, whichever is more convenient for you. You can also access your account online at any time through our app. Our wealth management professionals are always readily available to speak with you.


Our wealth management expertise in action

Coming into money

If you've inherited a large sum of money or sold your business for a very attractive profit, your circumstances have probably changed considerably, and we can help you make the most of it.

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Selling a business

If you’ve decided to sell your business, you’ll be entering an exciting, but perhaps daunting, new chapter with newly acquired wealth to consider. We can provide strategic advice and suggest practical ways to manage your wealth before, during and after the sale of your business.

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Getting divorced

If you’re recently divorced, or are going through the process, we can help you organise your finances and make the best of use of your assets.

We understand that this is a difficult time and that financial considerations can add to the stress. We'll work with you to make sure you feel in control of your new circumstances.

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Losing your partner

If you’ve recently lost your partner who’s always been responsible for managing the finances, having to take on this role can be a daunting prospect – particularly when thinking about later life care. We understand how this must feel and can help you re-plan your finances so you know your future is in safe hands.

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Can I change my wealth manager?

Yes, you can change your wealth manager and you’re free to do so whenever you want. So, if you’re unsure about the performance of your current wealth manager or dissatisfied with the service you’re getting, it’s worth looking around for better. 

We offer a free service consultation, where you can share your concerns and learn what we can do differently to better help grow your wealth and put your mind at rest. We will also do all we can to make moving your investments to us as easy as possible.


Your wealth management questions answered

The simple answer is whenever you like; there’s no set age or time. Getting a wealth manager can be particularly worthwhile if you’ve accumulated a lot of wealth in a short time, your financial situation is complicated, your circumstances have recently changed, or they are about to. For example, receiving an inheritance, changing career, starting a family, getting married, divorced or approaching retirement.

You don’t need a specific amount of money to use a wealth manager, so please don’t assume you’re not wealthy enough. Each wealth management firm usually sets its own minimum investment level for clients.

At Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management, our clients usually have over £250,000 of assets to invest, but we may be able to help if you have less than this, provided we believe our services are likely to be of real value to you.

Choosing a wealth manager is a big decision that needs careful thought. It’s important to consider more than price alone. A good wealth manager could give you the valuable advice and long-term investment performance that makes the price worth paying.

  1. Do your research to check their credentials and reputation
  2. Get recommendations from friends and family
  3. Read reviews and testimonials from clients
  4. Meet them in person to get a feel for the firm and the person you will be dealing with
  5. Ask what they can do for you and how they will look after your interests
  6. Ask them to explain their fees and the value you will get for this
  7. Finally, once your head is satisfied, go with your gut. Don’t forget, you could be working with them for a long time, so a trusting relationship is vital.

A wealth manager should be worth the money if their expertise and advice help you achieve your financial goals.

The more wealth you accumulate, the more you will need to consider including your tax liabilities, and the more options you may have to choose between. A good wealth manager should have the financial planning and investment management expertise to make sense of all these elements to help you make informed decisions on how best to preserve and grow that wealth.

Whether it’s better for you to use a wealth manager or do it yourself depends on many things including:

  • How much money you have to invest
  • How complicated your financial situation is
  • How confident you are in your knowledge of finance, investment markets and tax mitigation
  • How much time you can devote to managing your wealth and keeping up with market movements and trends
  • What you ultimately want to achieve.

A Wealth Manager can take all of this into account and best of all, they have the time and expertise to look after your wealth day to day, year to year.

Book your free wealth management review

If you have £250,000+ to invest (including ISAs and pensions) book a free, hour-long consultation with a personal wealth manager.

Rest assured; this is not a sales call. It’s your opportunity to get to know the expert who would be dedicated to helping you achieve your personal financial goals, without any obligation to go further.

Your review will cover five important areas:

  1. Your financial situation – your income, assets and outgoings
  2. Your current priorities such as school fees, retirement or buying property
  3. Your goals and aspirations both for you and your family
  4. How your current investments are performing against your goals and risk tolerance
  5. How wealth management could help you achieve your objectives
Request a consultation

Investment involves risk. The value of investments and the income from them can go down as well as up and you may not get back the amount originally invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

The tax treatment of all investments depends upon individual circumstances and the levels and basis of taxation may change in the future. Investors should discuss their financial arrangements with their own tax adviser before investing.

The information provided is not to be treated as specific advice. It has no regard for the specific investment objectives, financial situation or needs of any specific person or entity.


Our latest insights

How much is enough when planning for retirement?

In our latest retirement planning webinar Harry Plunkett, Wealth Planner and Toby Carpenter, Wealth Planning Director shared the key things to consider when retirement planning, helping you gain clarity on your financial future.

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A rare opportunity to maximise your State Pension amount ends soon

Maximise your State Pension with a time-limited chance to buy back missing National Insurance contributions. Learn how this could boost your retirement income.

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Wealth management updates

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Some of our wealth management experts

If you would like to know how more about wealth management, please get in touch. We would be delighted to provide more details of our services.

Photo of Sharon Thorpe

Sharon Thorpe

Wealth Planning Director

I put my client’s lifetime goals and objectives at the forefront of our advice, helping them to make the best decisions – even the difficult ones – now, to achieve their long-term financial goals.  I regularly use Cash Flow forecasting tools to help clients visualise whether they are on track to meet their personal goals.

As a professionally qualified financial adviser, I hold the Diploma in Financial Planning and have over 30 years’ experience in the financial services industry.  I am passionate about building relationships with my clients based on trust and understanding, as well as providing continuity of service over many years and through generations. 

I provide comprehensive wealth management solutions, with a particular focus on financial planning as well as investment advisory and discretionary services.  I work with private clients, trusts and some charities.

Photo of Amy Lawther

Amy Lawther

Investment Manager

I began my wealth management career in 2011 on the stockbroking desk in Guernsey where I provided dealing services and advice to private clients, intermediaries, and asset managers. I now work as an Investment Manager in the London office and look after private clients on a discretionary, advisory and execution-only basis. I thoroughly enjoy developing personal, trusting relationships with clients, and helping them to achieve their objectives and goals. I am a Chartered Fellow of the CISI having completed their highest qualification, Level 7 Chartered Wealth Manager.

Photo of Andrew Pang

Andrew Pang

Investment Manager

Andrew is an experienced Chartered Investment Manager with a Bachelor of Science (BSc) from Kings College London. Skilled in Portfolio Management, providing Advisory and Discretionary services to individual private client portfolios, private companies, personal pension schemes, corporate pension schemes, offshore wrappers, charities, Funds at Lloyds, and Trusts. 


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How can we help?

If you would like to know how we can help with your investment management, wealth or financial planning needs, get in touch. We will be delighted to provide more details of our services.


Investment involves risk and you may not get back what you invest. It’s not suitable for everyone.

Investment involves risk and is not suitable for everyone.