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Independent financial advice on passing on wealth

Passing on your wealth to loved ones can be an intricate but ultimately rewarding endeavour. Our independent Wealth Planners can iron out the complexities for you and devise a comprehensive wealth strategy to make sure you leave more of your wealth to your loved ones (not the tax man). They can help to ensure your wishes are honoured without unnecessary expense or delay.


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To discuss how to most effectively pass on your wealth, book a complimentary, no-obligation consultation.

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Passing on wealth — here’s how we can help

While passing on wealth can be rewarding, you may also find it complex. Our Wealth Managers have the expertise and, importantly, the independence to advise you on the best way forward.

Your dedicated personal Wealth Planner can:

  • Review your current financial situation and help you decide the best way to pass on wealth
  • Take you through a cash flow planning exercise and let you know how much you can afford to give
  • Consider the rules and amounts you can give with regards to inheritance tax
  • If you decide you want to invest in your legacy, Wealth Planners can build a diversified investment portfolio suited to the needs of your loved ones
  • Review your plans on a regular basis and make adjustments as and when needed.

How to pass wealth to your heirs

The simplest way to pass your wealth to your heirs is to speak to a Wealth Planner who will help you prepare for every eventuality and advise you on the actions you can take to ensure your wealth is transferred in the most efficient and appropriate way. For example:

  • Making a Will – without a Will, your estate will be shared according to a set of rules and this can differ greatly from your wishes and devastate those you leave behind
  • Gifting from any excess income you have during your lifetime – while gifting can be an effective strategy, there are many important considerations to ensure gifts stay exempt from tax
  • Investing tax efficientlyinvestment assets that benefit from Business Relief are exempt from inheritance tax; however, they are typically high risk so may not suit everyone
  • Using trusts – a trust structure can help with private education costs or future property purchases.

Gifting wealth during your lifetime

If your Wealth Manager recommends gifting wealth or assets to your loved ones as a suitable strategy, it’s helpful to start sooner rather than later, as the inheritance tax clock starts ticking as soon as the gift is given.

Usually, seven years must pass before your gift is 100% inheritance tax free. Should you die before this, the person who received the gift may owe inheritance tax. A benefit of gifting wealth earlier is also seeing those you love enjoy what you have given them.

There are many different ways of gifting wealth, however there are several rules — and often the amount you can give without incurring inheritance tax is capped.

Before gifting any money, we recommend completing a cashflow modelling exercise with your personal Wealth Manager to check how much you can afford to give.

Our inheritance tax planning service can also help you decide when and how to gift your money.

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Passing on your pension wealth

Pensions are generally outside the scope of inheritance tax in the UK, so, any remaining pension funds will pass to your nominated beneficiaries when you die. As such, we would typically recommend that pension benefits are gifted after assets that are liable for inheritance tax.

If you die before the age of 75, lump sum payments from your pension will usually be paid to a nominated beneficiary free of inheritance and income tax.

If you die after 75, your beneficiary will still receive the proceeds of your pension fund free of inheritance tax, but they would have to pay income tax at their marginal rate on any withdrawals.

As retirement planning and pension experts we will always check the most up-to-date rules and regulations around passing on your pension and advise you accordingly.

Frequently asked questions about passing on your wealth 

Our short video series answers some of the most frequently asked questions about passing on wealth: 

  • How can I pass on wealth to my heirs? 
  • How can we help you pass on your wealth? 
  • What should I think about when planning to transfer my wealth? 
  • How can I ensure my wealth is passed on tax-efficiently? 
  • Can I pass on any unused pension funds? 

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To discuss how to most effectively pass on your wealth, book a complimentary, no-obligation consultation.

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Investment involves risk. The value of investments and the income from them can go down as well as up and you may not get back the amount originally invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

The tax treatment of all investments depends upon individual circumstances and the levels and basis of taxation may change in the future. Investors should discuss their financial arrangements with their own tax adviser before investing.

The tax treatments set out in this communication are based on our current understanding of UK legislation. It is a broad summary and cannot cover every circumstance and it does not constitute advice.

The information provided is not to be treated as specific advice. It has no regard for the specific investment objectives, financial situation or needs of any specific person or entity.


Our specialist wealth planning solutions

Retirement planning for high income earners

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Services for business owners

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Inheritance tax services

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Comprehensive wealth planning

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Long-term care planning

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Wealth management explained

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Keeping you informed

How much is enough when planning for retirement?

In our latest retirement planning webinar Harry Plunkett, Wealth Planner and Toby Carpenter, Wealth Planning Director shared the key things to consider when retirement planning, helping you gain clarity on your financial future.

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A rare opportunity to maximise your State Pension amount ends soon

Maximise your State Pension with a time-limited chance to buy back missing National Insurance contributions. Learn how this could boost your retirement income.

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Wealth management updates

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Meet some of our wealth planning experts

If you would like to know more about how our independent wealth planners can help you pass on your wealth, please get in touch. We will be delighted to provide more details of our services.

Photo of David Goodfellow

David Goodfellow

Head of Wealth Planning

I started my financial career as a trainee Chartered Accountant on Black Monday in 1987 and moved to the world of private client financial planning in 1990. I was an advisor for Watson Wyatt and then Hill Martin before moving to Eden Financial to start their Financial Advisers business. The Company acquired Eden Financial in 2012, and I subsequently became Head of Wealth Planning in 2015.

I specialise in both financial planning and tax driven investment planning, including advising on VCTs, EISs and investments attracting Business Relief for IHT purposes. I am a member of the Personal Finance Society and the CISI.

I have been involved in a number Wealth Planning acquisitions the company has made over the past few years and have seen our adviser team grow from approximately ten in 2019, to nearly 50 in 2023. Retaining a strong culture within the firm and ensuring our clients receive consistently high-quality advice and solutions is largely to thank for this expansion.

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Neil Norman

Senior Wealth Adviser

Neil has advised clients for over 20 years on tax, trust and investment matters. Neil is a Chartered member of CISI and Chartered Financial Planner.


Book a free consultation with a wealth management specialist


Typically, we provide financial advice to clients with assets over £250,000. Please note, we do not offer a one-off share sale service below these amounts.

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What happens next?

1. Arranging an initial consultation

First you can expect to receive an email from our team within 48 hours to find a suitable time that works for you, to arrange a voice or video call for an initial consultation.

2. Your consultation 

During this consultation, a member of the team will discuss your situation with you to understand your requirements and answer any questions you might have about Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management and the services that we provide.

3. Referral to a Wealth Planner or Investment Manager

If you decide to progress with us, you will be referred to one of our Wealth Planners or Investment Managers to discuss your situation and requirements in more detail. They will then design a bespoke proposal detailing a unique investment portfolio that matches your individual requirements and attitude to risk, to meet you and your family’s needs.

4. Working with you long-term

With our wealth planning and investment management professionals, your wealth is in expert hands. Our mission is simple - to help you build your wealth with confidence. We will always keep you informed about your investment portfolio and performance and will continue to work with you to build our relationship on your terms. We can meet with you face-to-face, by phone or by email, whichever is more convenient for you. You can also access your account online at any time through our app. Our wealth management professionals are always readily available to speak with you.


Investment involves risk and you may not get back what you invest. It’s not suitable for everyone.

Investment involves risk and is not suitable for everyone.