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Richard Burden

Photo of Richard Burden

Senior Executive Officer, Dubai branch

With extensive experience in the Middle East since 1994, having lived at various times in both Saudi Arabia and Dubai, I am the Senior Executive Officer in our Dubai office within the Dubai International Financial Centre, regulated by the DFSA.

I lead our business development activity in this region working in conjunction with my colleagues in Guernsey, the Isle of Man, Jersey and the UK. I aim to widen our product offering with existing distribution channels, utilising our category 4 'advice and arrange' regulatory status, while also seeking new and varied distribution channels to bring our wider product offering to new contacts.

Location: Dubai

A bit about me:

My priority is that my family have the best opportunities in life possible. My children are studying in the UK while my wife and I live in the UAE.

I also love Manchester City….the best team in all the land and the world.

What does can-do mean to me:

You could call it an ethos, an approach, or an ideology. We simply call it can-do.

Cando is the ethos of getting up and out, making something happen…even if it a just a start up conversation with a new contact.

Activity, Activity and Activity.


+9715 0887 3002
View Richard Burden's profile on LinkedIn

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Investment involves risk and you may not get back what you invest. It’s not suitable for everyone.

Investment involves risk and is not suitable for everyone.