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Careers with Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management

  • Are you looking to work for an organisation that is small enough to allow you to really make your mark and ensure you are recognised, yet big enough to offer you long-term career development?
  • Are people and relationships important to you?
  • Are you approachable and friendly?
  • Does working in a collaborative environment to deliver a brilliant client experience feel like the sort of place you want to be?

    Our company

    We are a dynamic, growing brand with big ambitions. We are part of Canaccord Genuity Group Inc., a leading global financial services firm operating in wealth management and capital markets. Find out more about us here.

    Please note: Our recruitment team will only contact applicants via the email or phone using the contact details provided in your application. Please be aware that we will never reach out to candidates via text message or WhatsApp. If you receive any communication claiming to be from us through these channels, it is likely a scam. We strongly advise you to ignore these messages and report them immediately.

    Talk to us about your future

    Here at Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management (CGWM), we pride ourselves on our culture and being able to offer rewarding, challenging and interesting roles.

    Career vacancies

    Get in touch to find out about our current vacancies, or register your interest for future roles.

    Contact us

    Our CGWM values

    These drive our behaviour at all times, towards our clients, colleagues, partners and suppliers.

     We always strive to be accountable, aligned, ambitious and approachable.

    Read our brochure to find out more about how we work together:

    Working at CGWM


    Why work at CGWM?

    We are constantly growing and developing our business, and want our colleagues to be able to grow and develop their skills with us. We will offer you new challenges while consolidating your existing talents and building on your experience.

    Working in a dynamic firm

    We are always evolving to provide the best possible service for our clients. When you join us, you will be part of our journey towards even greater success.

    Discover our firm’s dynamic history

    Culture and inclusivity

    We believe in nurturing our employees, and making our firm an inclusive place to work. With networks, committees and communication channels, we make sure everyone has the chance to have their voice heard.

    Read more about our culture

    Excellent benefits

    We want our colleagues to be able to bring their best selves to work. That’s why we offer flexible working arrangements and a competitive benefits package, which includes private medical insurance, life assurance and income protection.

    Find out more about what we can offer you

    Career development opportunities

    As a business, we believe in investing in our people. As soon as you join us, we’ll work with you to create a targeted development plan to support your career progression.

    Read the full brochure to discover why CGWM is a great place to work.

    Download our brochure

    Why our colleagues stay with CGWM for years

    The loyalty and sustained contribution of our employees has been a key factor in our success as an outstanding wealth management business. It has been over 10 years since we became CGWM in the UK and Crown Dependencies, and over half of the workforce who were here when we formed remain at CGWM today – a testament to the positive working environment we work hard to foster.


    Talk to us about your future

    If you believe you would be a good fit for CGWM, and you would like to talk to us about a role here, get in touch. We’ll be delighted to tell you where we have opportunities and how we can structure a package that’s right for you.

    Then we’ll look forward to welcoming you to our exciting and dynamic team.

    For our UK offices: cgwmukcareers@canaccord.com

    For our international offices: InternationalHR@canaccord.com

    Investment involves risk and you may not get back what you invest. It’s not suitable for everyone.

    Investment involves risk and is not suitable for everyone.