The Trump Administration’s First Few Days: An Insider’s Look Beneath the Headlines with Stephen Myrow of Beacon Policy Advisors
January 23, 2025

In his second (nonconsecutive) term, President Trump has issued an unprecedented number of sweeping executive actions targeting immigration, trade, taxation, the economy, healthcare, and a variety of social issues. Some of these actions hold significant long term potential to incite change; others may be posturing with little hope of gaining traction. Join our conversation with policy expert Stephen Myrow of Beacon Policy Advisors as we unravel the web of headlines to separate the signal from the noise. Stephen is a renowned expert on government policy in Washington DC and founded Beacon in 2014 after serving as a senior member of Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson, Jr.’s team during the 2008 global financial crisis. He also was CFO of the Export-Import Bank of the United States, has held numerous senior roles in the State Department and Defense Department, and is well-known for providing insightful advice on policy implications to institutional investors.
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